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Top » Catalog » Etchings » Cities » Leipzig » KVCF-04-10-1901 » Leipzig, Theater
starting from 13,90€ *
Leipzig, Theater
Leipzig, Theater
Picture size: approx. 5 x 5 cm
Paper size: approx. 12 x 12 cm
Frame size: approx. 9,0 x 9,0 cm
Artist: Sommer
Item number: KVCF-04-10
Frame size by choice of a passe-partout: ca. 11.6807 cm

Please select your options.
We recommend to take brown-gold as frame. That is our best seller.
1. Etching:
2. Frame:
3. Dust-proof framing with passe-partout and museum-glas:
* All prices VAT included (19%) and plus Shipping Costs.
Delivery time of up to 10 days.
